

  北京德益萬家家居建材有限公司(簡稱:德益萬家) 成立前身"天津艾諾(alno)廚房家具商貿(mào)有限公司"。自從1999年至今一直代理經(jīng)營歐洲進口櫥柜。 公司總部的 “ 德國Nolte諾爾德和Team7的旗艦展廳 ” 坐落在中國首都北京于最頂級的家具展館居然之家,已擁有展廳的面積達1200㎡平米。公司通過多年的潛心經(jīng)營和全面的市場推廣,已經(jīng)建立起來集設計、銷售、安裝、服務、倉儲于一體的良好管理體系。現(xiàn)有員工80余人。二十年來德益萬家公司先后與歐洲多家著名的大型櫥柜、家具制造廠商合作,如德國櫥柜ALNO集團,德國櫥柜及臥房家居NOLTE集團,以及意大利Sangiacomo衣柜。近幾年隨著公司業(yè)務的不斷發(fā)展壯大,公司又進軍了家具行業(yè),五年前與奧地利國寶級實木傢俬TEAM7建立了戰(zhàn)略合作聯(lián)盟。
?       公司在德國漢堡、法蘭克福,意大利米蘭、威尼斯都設立了海外合作機構,為公司所代理的這些歐洲櫥柜,家具品牌在中國市場的建立和拓展提供了廣擴的市場資源和發(fā)展空間,同時為此我司也贏得了歐洲眾多生產(chǎn)集團和中國國內(nèi)市場的高度評價和認可?,F(xiàn)公司主營業(yè)務以北京首都為核心,銷售業(yè)務和營銷網(wǎng)絡已覆蓋全國10多個大中型城市。二十年來公司曾與眾多國內(nèi)超大規(guī)模的一線開發(fā)商(招商蛇口、華潤、中國金茂、融創(chuàng)、萬科、首創(chuàng)、海航、首開、五礦、SOHO等)進行精裝櫥柜配套工程項目合作并供貨,在多個高檔精裝樓盤中我司代理的品牌都贏得了眾多開發(fā)商廣泛的認可與好評,達到了零投訴。
Beijing deyiwan home building materials co., LTD. (abbreviated: deyiwan) was established as the former 'tianjin ainuo (alno) kitchen furniture trading co., LTD.'. Since 1999 has been the agent of European imported cabinets. Company headquarters "German Nolte director and Team7's flagship gallery" is located in Beijing, the capital of China in the top furniture exhibition hall house, unexpectedly has exhibition hall area of 1200 ㎡ square meters. Through years of intensive operation and comprehensive marketing, the company has established a good management system integrating design, sales, installation, service and storage. Existing staff more than 80 people. In the past 20 years, we have cooperated with many famous large cabinets and furniture manufacturers in Europe, such as ALNO group of Germany, NOLTE group of German cabinets and bedrooms, and Sangiacomo chest of Italy. In recent years, with the continuous development and expansion of the company's business, the company has entered into the furniture industry. Five years ago, the company established a strategic cooperation alliance with Austria national treasure class solid wood furniture TEAM7.
Company in Hamburg, Germany, Frankfurt, milan, Italy, Venice is set up overseas institutions of cooperation, agent by these European cabinets for the company, the establishment of furniture brand in the Chinese market and expand provides wide expansion of market resources and development space, at the same time, therefore we also won the European production group and China's domestic market high praise and recognition. The company's main business is Beijing capital as the core, sales business and marketing network has covered more than 10 large and medium-sized cities. Twenty years the company has a line with a number of domestic vlsi developers (China merchants shekou, China resources, China jin MAO, melting, vanke, pioneering, hna, opening, minmetals, SOHO, etc.) for matching hardcover ambry project cooperation and supply, in a number of high-grade hardcover buildings in our agent brand has won numerous developers widespread recognition and praise, has reached the zero complaint.
The company will spare no effort to continue adhering to the principle of service first and customer first, closely combining the market demand and striving for a new pattern of win-win cooperation among the production side, supplier side and demand side.